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A Complete List of Rebranding Survey Questions.

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A Complete List of Rebranding Survey Questions.

Rebranding a business can be a risky job. If things don’t go as planned, a company can lose its brand value overnight. The best way to reduce the risk is to discover the customer perception through relevant rebranding survey questions. 

Rebranding survey questions are slightly different from typical rebranding questions, which lays the foundation of the rebrand. The branding questionnaire is explicitly tailored to augment the rebranding strategy and conduct a detailed brand perception survey. 

If conducted properly, such surveys help companies avoid common pitfalls during rebranding. This article provides a systematic approach to conducting an insightful brand perception survey. You will learn how each survey question helps gather market research data. 

Brand Perception and Awareness

A Branding strategy that lacks knowledge of how consumers perceive their brand identity is like shooting arrows in the dark. It will do more harm than good. Businesses must have a good understanding of their brand perception. A company may ask the following question during a brand awareness survey to understand its brand recognition:

Asking Customers to Describe the Brand in Three Words.

A company may ask its potential customers to describe its brand in a simplified way. It provides a snapshot of their top-of-mind perceptions of the brand image. Their descriptive wording reveals the brand attributes and associates that are prominent for them. 

Tracking changes in these brand descriptor words over time can indicate whether the rebranding efforts are successfully shifting perceptions. This rebranding survey question gives you a baseline understanding of brand awareness from which to evolve the branding strategy.

What First Things Come To Mind When You Think Of Our Brand?

Consumers can associate different things depending on how they perceive the brand identity. For example, when thinking about Baskin Robbins, the first thing that comes to mind is a refreshing, flavorful ice cream. Companies may ask their customers to first associate with the brand, which uncovers the core components of brand awareness and recognition. 

The unaided top-of-mind mentions indicate what the brand is best known for logo, tagline, product, spokesperson, or other association. After rebranding, the company can measure whether new brand elements and messaging successfully displace dominant associations. This brand research question provides directional input for transforming brand identity through a rebranding project.

What Do You Think Our Brand Stands For?

Before launching the rebranding campaign, collecting information about the values and attributes the audience associates with the brand is imperative. It helps the brand research and inform rebranding. Their responses paint a picture of your current brand positioning and personality. If there is a misalignment between the real and perceived brand meaning, then a well-defined rebranding strategy helps realign it. 

How Familiar Is The Audience With The Brand?

Companies can ask this question as a social media poll to gather insights from their target audience. The vote may contain various options, for instance, very familiar, somewhat familiar, or unfamiliar. The percentage of respondents answering these questions offers a benchmark awareness metric to improve through rebranding product designs, packaging, and other brand elements. As brand awareness increases through a rebranding effort, familiarity levels must rise. Companies may use this metric as a key performance indicator to measure the rebranding success. 

Brand Experience and Loyalty

Learning about customer experience and brand loyalty is another crucial element for rebranding survey questions. The brand experience contains all the touchpoints a customer has with the brand; It shapes their satisfaction and loyalty. A company may ask for positive and negative experiences to uncover its strengths and weaknesses. 

Brands may use brand loyalty metrics like Net Promoter Score and brand value. These metrics represent the equity and trust the brand currently enjoys. Strong loyalty means higher rebranding risks, whereas declining loyalty signals a need for change. Here are a few rebranding survey questions that one may ask from their audience to learn about brand loyalty:

How Satisfied Is The Customer From The Experience With The Brand?

This question helps companies to gain meaningful insights about customer satisfaction with brand experiences. The percentage of highly satisfied vs dissatisfied provides a benchmark to improve through the rebranding strategy. As companies execute logo rebranding, new branding guidelines, and other rebranding checklist items, they should continue surveying satisfaction to ensure better experiences. If customer satisfaction drops during the rebranding rollout plan, it signals missteps to address quickly.  

What Aspects Of Our Brand Do You Value The Most?

Discovering the brand attributes and touchpoints that drive value helps to focus rebranding strategies on enhancing strengths. If quality or customer service are highly valued, make it a priority in rebranding announcements and ensure continuity. It is one of the most important questions before and after rebranding, which ensures the reasons for rebranding align with the customers’ priorities. 

Any Negative Experiences with the Brand?

When conducting a brand perception survey, companies must ask their customers if they have encountered any bad experiences. It allows them to become familiar with their shortcomings, which may become a loophole in their marketing campaign. As you develop a rebranding checklist, addressing past pain points through improved customer service, quality control, or other best practices for rebranding can rebuild value. 

How Likely Are You To Recommend Our Brand To Others?

This brand loyalty question elicits the Net Promoter Score, quantifying the number of loyal brand promoters versus passives and detractors. A low NPS signal rebranding is needed to boost advocacy. Track scores over time to measure whether a rebranding successfully increases positive word-of-mouth and referral marketing. Managing rebranding costs can be justified by gains in brand equity and customer lifetime value.

Impact of Rebranding

The impact of rebranding can be both positive and negative. Companies must thoroughly research the potential effects of a rebranding effort before executing the brand transformation. Asking specific survey questions can uncover how customers may respond to a new brand identity compared to the existing brand image. 

Directly asking customers about the potential impact of proposed changes to a brand’s visual identity can help guide the redesign of logos and other branding elements. Conducting surveys can also help determine if a rebranding effort would make customers more or less likely to purchase, indicating the potential risk of losing existing brand fans versus attracting new customers.

Continuous brand tracking surveys after a rebrand measure its impact on brand awareness, consideration, preference, and other key brand health metrics compared to existing brand positioning. A/B testing with a control group helps isolate the rebranding impact. Surveys ensure brand repositioning through rebranding aligns with consumer habits and attitudes.

How Would A Visual Rebrand Affect Your Brand Perception?

This question gathers open-ended feedback about potential logo redesigns, new color palettes, and other visual elements under consideration in rebranding. The qualitative insights reveal whether a new visual identity positively or negatively impacts customer brand image perceptions. 

This directional input is invaluable for determining which design concepts to move forward with and which to avoid when taking steps toward rebranding. It mitigates the risks of alienating loyal customers through visual identity changes they dislike.

Would A Rebrand Affect Your Purchase Likelihood?

By asking this question, brands may learn whether the target customers will be more or less likely to purchase after the rebrand. It can be helpful to avoid pitfalls like the Tropicana’s rebranding failure. The percentage of responses indicating “more likely” versus “less likely” forecasts sales impact. This information guides data-driven rebranding strategies. Using a Positioning Scorecard completes the before/after picture of the rebranding’s commercial impact.

Competitive Comparison

Competitive comparison plays an essential role in rebranding surveys. It provides a valuable context on how your brand stacks up against key players in the minds of the target consumers. It benchmarks your brand’s current positioning and reveals potential white space to differentiate.

The branding questionnaire may include the following questions to learn about competitive comparison:

How Do You Think Our Brand Compares To Competitors?

Asking customers to compare your brand against competitors on attributes like quality, value, and innovation highlights relative strengths and weaknesses. The goal is crafting a solid brand identity and rebranding strategy that capitalizes on competitive advantages while improving areas where you lag behind rivals. The qualitative feedback reveals relative strengths and weaknesses versus rivals through the customer’s voice.

What Do Competitors Do Better Than Us?

Asking where competitors outperform your brand makes it easy for customers to pinpoint areas of weakness you need to improve through rebranding. For example, if the competitor of an energy drinks company is offering lower prices, the company can reposition around delivering more excellent value at an affordable cost. Competitive gaps are one of the most essential ingredients of rebranding to differentiate rather than playing catch up. It informs priorities for strengthening your brand identity and experience.

What Do We Do Better Than Our Competitors?

Finally, the branding questionnaire may directly ask consumers to list all areas where the current brand performs better than its competitors. If customers consistently cite superior quality or customer service versus competitors, keep these pillars central in rebranding. Lean into existing strengths through consistent messaging and experiences that exemplify competitive advantages over rivals in areas that resonate most.

Customer Needs and Expectations

Without understanding the needs and expectations of the target audience, a company must never consider rebranding. it is because there will be more guesswork than facts, which can negatively impact the customer experience. The primary purpose of rebranding surveys is to learn about what consumers want. Ask about the main benefits they seek; pain points to be solved, and must-have features. Conducting surveys uncovers shifts in customer expectations that warrant a rebranding to align with emerging trends. 

What Improvements Would You Like To See From Our Brand?

Every company must have good connections with its intended customers. It must directly communicate with its target audience through various channels. The advantage of this connection is that a company may ask its audience directly about the change they want to see in the current brand strategy. 

It can reveal a lot of drawbacks and shortcomings in the current strategy. Making the customer-requested improvements demonstrates listening to needs and closes experience gaps. It builds brand affinity by showing the rebrand is focused on solving customer problems.

Are There New Products Or Services You Wish We Offered?

A company may ask for suggestions for new products and services its target audience might need. It reduces the risk of diluting brand recognition and builds intuition for a successful brand expansion. Adding relevant offerings that customers explicitly ask for strengthens perceptions of the brand as innovative, responsive, and focused on their evolving needs. The rebranding can then highlight new solutions tailored to customer demands.

What Do You Need Most From Our Type Of Products/Services?

Getting to the core needs fulfilled by your product category allows the focus of the rebrand to fulfill these table-stakes expectations. If speed and reliability are fundamental for logistics services, the rebranding can emphasize flawless on-time delivery. Asking directly about the most essential needs ensures they take center stage in refreshed branding and experiences after rebranding.

Best Practices for Rebranding Survey Questions

Well-designed rebranding surveys provide valuable insights to guide branding strategy. Here are some best practices for effective rebranding research:

  • Use online survey software (such as Survey Monkey) to reach a large, demographically representative sample. It ensures statistically significant results.
  • Ask open-ended questions to uncover qualitative feedback in customers’ own words. It provides richer insights than multiple choice alone.
  • Test branding concepts with image-based questions. See which potential names, logos, and visual identities resonate most.
  • Measure essential brand health metrics pre and post-rebranding. It quantifies the impact on awareness, consideration, preference, and loyalty.
  • Segment results by customer demographics and psychographics. Uncover if rebranding perceptions vary across target segments.
  • Consider researching through an expert branding agency (discuss your project with SmashBrand). Their experience with rebranding surveys yields proven question sets.
  • Schedule ongoing tracking rather than one-off research. It monitors the impact of rebranding over time as perceptions evolve.
  • Test competitive positioning questions. See if a rebranding differentiates your brand from key competitors.

Data-Driven Approach to Rebranding 

SmashBrand leverages in-depth customer research to guide strategic rebrands that resonate. Our analytics uncover hidden insights to inform every rebranding decision. We identify untapped growth opportunities and unmet customer needs. Then, translate these into differentiated brand positioning and experiences that drive results. Contact us today for impactful brand development. 

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