7 CPG Brand Dilution Examples And How To Avoid It.
When Dr. Pepper launched its BBQ sauce, customers were scratching their heads, wondering how a beloved soda could venture so far from its roots. This is just one case among many brand dilution examples, highlighting the risks a brand may face when it strays too far from its core identity. This article examines seven striking…
A Complete Roadmap For Brand Voice Development
According to recent statistics, 77% of consumers prefer shopping with brands they follow on social media. Why, because no other platform is better for brand expression which indicates the need and importance of brand voice development. But that is easier said than done. Consumers are bombarded with countless marketing messages, so a distinctive voice becomes…
8 Proven Strategies for Brand Equity Development.
Brand equity is often the X-factor that turns unknown startups into household names, driving top-line growth and setting brands up for acquisition. Yet, even if aware of this need, many businesses struggle to build it effectively. The reason is because of missing the critical link between strategy and execution. Effective brand equity development is both…
How To Build And Use A Product Positioning Chart.
Imagine having a profound understanding of your target market, positioning your new product so effectively that it outperforms even the biggest CPG brands. This is the outcome of effective brand development where you can drive a 30% lift in both brand equity and market share. It may sound impossible, but it’s a reality for brands…
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The ROI of packaging: How to design CPG packs that win with consumers.
Failing to give packaging design its proper due isn’t just a missed opportunity — it’s a risky move that could cost you market share and your spot on the retail shelf. So why do many FMCG and CPG brands treat packaging like an afterthought? Your product’s packaging is the embodiment of your brand. A silent…
Learn More About The ROI of packaging: How to design CPG packs that win with consumers.