
The Complete Guide to Product Positioning.

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The Complete Guide To Product Positioning.

Want to know the secret of making your product stand out in a crowded marketplace? The answer lies within an effective product positioning strategy. It is a strategy that helps companies define how they want their target customers to perceive their products. 

A well-structured product positioning strategy makes product marketing easier and leads to a lower customer acquisition cost. It helps to boost sales and increase market share. But far too often, companies fail to dedicate enough time and resources to getting their product positioning right from the start. Without precise positioning, even the most innovative products risk fading into the background noise of “me-too” competitors. 

So, how can you ensure your product positioning hits the bullseye? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamentals, including conducting thorough market research, crafting compelling messaging and a killer product positioning statement, executing a successful positioning strategy, and maintaining consistency across all touchpoints. 

Critical Elements of Product Positioning

The process of product positioning involves multiple essential and interconnected elements. These components assist a company in shaping customer perception according to their preferences. They also help make the product positioning coherent with the brand positioning. The following are the essential elements of a successful product positioning campaign.

Competitor and Target Audience Analysis

Detailed analysis of the target audience and competitor is the heart of an effective strategy. It helps companies to learn about consumer preferences and how they perceive competitor brands. Competitor brand analysis allows companies to learn about naming conventions and techniques they are using. It helps discover loopholes in their marketing strategy and gain a competitive advantage. 

Companies must carefully analyze past trends during the target audience analysis to learn how consumer interests have evolved. They may conduct interviews and surveys or leverage focus groups to understand their perceptions. It helps fine-tune the product management strategy according to the changing needs and desires. 

There could be possibilities to predict near-future trends, such as the upcoming era of driverless cars, LiFi-based communication, etc. Brands may use these insights to introduce products that fulfill the needs and wants of their target audience. 

Product Positioning Statement

A compelling product positioning statement is essential for propelling the brand’s success. It is a marketing compass that crystallizes the unique selling proposition and target audience. For example, take Canva’s “Empowering the World to Design.” It gives the product a unique identity and makes it stand out. 

An inspired positioning statement resonates in the customer’s hearts and minds. It captures that elusive lightning in a bottle. It’s a strategic seed from which brand affinity blossoms. Clear positioning statements allow companies to make informed decisions. 

Core Value Proposition

The core value proposition is a central benefit a brand promises to deliver to customers. It is an essential component of the brand positioning strategy that gives companies an edge over their competitors. A strong core value proposition helps evoke the customer’s needs and desires. 

For example, Oreo emphasizes “childlike joy” in its product positioning strategy. The brand’s playful ‘twist, lick, dunk’ ads echo their emphasis on childlike joy. See how eating an Oreo is portrayed as a mischievous, fun experience. Think about popular energy drinks in the US. Monster, Red Bull, and PRIME are all brands that have developed strong associations with energy and active living. 

The key takeaway is that the value proposition must be meaningful, unique to the brand, and align perfectly with the overall positioning strategy. It gives the target customer a compelling reason to pick your product from the shelf. Without a clear value proposition, market positioning can seem vague or unconvincing.

Brand Identity

Brand identity is the bigger picture a company develops in the minds of its target customer group. It includes a logo, color palette, tone of voice, messaging, and visual style. Companies leverage their brand identity to develop compelling positioning for their products. 

Apple and Samsung are the best examples to consider here. Apple has effectively utilized its brand identity to develop an influential position for its iPads and iPhones. Samsung did the same with its Galaxy and Note series. When a company aligns its brand identity with its positioning, it acts like a visual shorthand. It helps the target customer to recognize what the product stands for instantly. 

The Clif Bar’s earthy green packaging reinforces its natural and eco-friendly vibe. The brand identity must telegraph market positioning clearly and cohesively. It is a visual encapsulation of the brand positioning map

Conducting Market Research

Performing comprehensive market research is essential for developing a successful strategy. It enables companies to gain insights into their target audience. The market research process should begin with a comprehensive brand audit. Companies should analyze their brand positioning statement and assess how their intended customers perceive it.

Understanding Target Audience 

The first step is to understand the target audience, the ideal customer. Companies must analyze demographics, psychographics, consumer behavior, and values during this stage. Businesses may leverage a net promoter score, surveys, focus groups, and customer interviews to extract critical insights and reveal what motivates buyers. It shapes messaging that examines competitor’s product marketing, positioning, pricing, and competing product features to show unmet needs. 

Identifying Competitors

A unique and compelling brand positioning statement helps to clarify how you differ from the competition. Companies must identify their main competitors and analyze their product marketing during marketing research. They must carefully analyze their strategy to maintain customer loyalty. 

Learning how customers perceive the competitor’s products is essential, especially if the brand is launching a similar product. Companies should ask themselves why should customers become their buyers if there is a similar product in the market. 

Customer Needs Analysis

A detailed market study yields valuable insights into the customer needs and wants. This information is necessary to create a distinguished positioning for the product. Companies may reach potential customer groups through social media or websites to understand their needs. Such steps help to get direct input on problems that require solving. 

For instance, product packaging may need innovation. Observing fundamental customer interactions can uncover frustrating pain points. Effective positioning addresses these needs better than alternatives. This step is also helpful for market segmentation. 

Developing the Positioning Strategy

After gathering valuable insights from market research, the next step is to build a successful product positioning strategy. When developing an effective positioning strategy, brands must ensure all essential elements of the plan as discussed above. Additionally, they may follow these steps to build an effective strategy that expedites the positioning process. 

Crafting a Product Positioning Statement

Crafting a killer positioning statement is the most critical part of the strategy. Companies must invest time and resources properly because it makes all the difference. A company may leverage customer behavior insights from market research to craft a good positioning statement. 

They must identify their needs, pain points, and desired outcomes. The next step is to determine a unique value proposition for the brand and critical differentiators that fulfill the customer’s needs. 

Businesses may refine their core brand promise and the emotional/functional benefits customers will receive. They should synthesize this research into a brief statement that conveys their position. 

A good approach is to lead with the brand’s key customer segment and the central problem it solves. Include the differential advantages and compelling reasons customers should trust the product and brand. 

When crafting a compelling statement, it is necessary to refine the language to be memorable, authentic, and aligned with the brand identity. This statement will communicate the brand’s unique place in the market when done right. It must resonate emotionally with the target audience. 

Determining Value Proposition

A company must determine its value proposition to better communicate with its target audience. A compelling value proposition encapsulates the core benefits of the brand. It explains how the product serves the customers versus competitors. For example, Harry’s promises affordable, quality razors for a smooth shave which is even a believable statement to investors since Edgewell acquired the company in 2019 for 1.37 billion.

Cliff Bar emphasizes energizing snacks from natural, organic ingredients. Such qualities automatically engage the target customer emotionally. A unique and compelling value proposition helps differentiate the brand from its competitors. Despite fierce market competition, it allows for becoming the customer’s number one favorite brand, permitting them to leverage their positioning for successful line and brand extensions.

Implementing the Positioning Strategy 

After developing a successful strategy, now is the time to bring the product to life. At this stage, a brand must ensure the product packaging perfectly aligns with the positioning through both its brand identity and messaging. It conveys the desired perception consistently across touchpoints. Logos, taglines, and brand voice all reinforce positioning. Launching a marketing campaign with creative concepts, stories, and visuals is necessary. 

The marketing campaign must highlight your differentiation and value proposition. It must speak “not another me-too brand” to the target customers. Successful marketing campaigns amplify what makes the brand special. The pricing strategy must perfectly match the brand image and value positioning. Companies must carefully decide whether to use premium or low pricing. Remember, premium pricing can denote quality, while low prices communicate accessibility. 

Leveraging an on premise PIM (a modern and configurable Product Information Management System) can help ensure consistent and accurate product information across all marketing channels, reinforcing your product positioning strategy.

The final crucial step in executing a strategy is choosing an appropriate distribution channel. This decision significantly influences the brand’s exposure and accessibility to the target audience. The chosen channels should align with the brand’s standards and provide access to the intended consumers. By following these steps, a company can effectively bring its product positioning strategy to life.

Measuring Success

Developing a compelling product positioning strategy and bringing it to life is half the work. Companies must establish a proper benchmark system to measure the effectiveness of their approach over time. They must also track the performance of the new product to see whether it aligns with the customer’s needs. 

The first step to measuring the success of the implemented strategy is to track sales and target market share trends. Companies may analyze growth rates and how their metrics compare to competitors. This indicates whether the positioning resonates in the marketplace or needs some tweaking. Brands must also track key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, social engagement, and campaign response rates. Increased interest implies that the messaging is properly connecting with consumers. 

Another good way to measure the strategy’s effectiveness is to observe the cost per lead. Lower costs per lead or acquisition are often an indicator of an effective strategy. Businesses must regularly survey their customers, which provides direct input on positioning. They must ask if the branding and messaging reflect their needs and motivate purchase. Companies may seek customer feedback on perceived differences from alternatives. This reveals strengths to leverage and weaknesses to improve. 

Sustaining Product Positioning

Product positioning is a dynamic process that must evolve with consumer preferences and market trends. For instance, compared to a few years back, AI-based applications have gained significant popularity. As they make the job easier, consumers expect them to be part of their day-to-day jobs. Under such conditions, companies must adjust their product positioning according to the latest needs. 

Keep a close eye on your competitors, channels, and consumer trends to ensure your product positioning remains distinct. Here’s how:

Optimize Packaging For Latest Trends

Packaged food and beverages may showcase their sustainable measures in their packaging and adjust their product positioning to the health-conscious consumer’s requirements. For instance,  a soft drink brand may highlight the taste of natural ingredients with less sugar. Adapting to new trends and generations keeps messaging compelling.

Regular Positioning Evaluation

Companies must set up processes to regularly re-evaluate their positioning monthly, quarterly, and yearly. It is necessary to conduct market research every 6-12 months to discover shifts in the needs and values of the customers. Survey consumers on how perceptions of your brand have changed. This proactive monitoring allows adjusting in real-time versus becoming outdated.

It’s essential to be open to new positioning platforms and creative campaigns but ensure brand authenticity isn’t compromised. Experimenting with message variations will reveal what resonates now versus what worked before and will prevent complacency from past success.

Regular Competitors Analysis 

It’s crucial to analyze your competitors to gain inspiration for innovative positioning. But avoid copying tactics that may come across as inauthentic. Use the insights you gain to brainstorm fresh ways to convey your unique value. Ensure that your positioning strategy is coordinated across all marketing touchpoints. 

Gradually phase out stale messages on packaging, websites, and ads. Introduce refreshed language and visuals that align with your updated strategy. Remember, internal alignment is critical when sustaining your positioning. Provide updated messaging guidelines and creative briefs to your teams. Ensure your sales, customer service, and partners consistently reflect the refined strategy.

Common Product Positioning Mistakes to Avoid

  • Failing to differentiate from competitors, blending in with alternatives without solid product differentiation rather than standing out.
  • Copying positioning of similar products. Companies must build a unique brand positioning rather than mimicking others.
  • Accurate product attributes and consumer behavior analysis should inform product positioning.
  • As consumer behavior and the market evolve, product managers must revisit their messaging to prevent their positioning from becoming outdated.
  • Emotion is vital in building connections. Factual claims alone are not enough.
  • Poor internal alignment in product strategy and execution across all teams and touchpoints.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

  • In-depth market research is the cornerstone of a successful product positioning strategy.
  • Analyze target audience, competitors, and emerging trends to shape a compelling positioning.
  • Ensure your product positioning aligns seamlessly with your overall brand identity.
  • Consistency in messaging, visuals, and tone reinforces brand recognition and trust.
  • Invest time in creating a memorable and authentic product positioning statement.
  • Develop a strong core value proposition that sets your brand apart.
  • Emphasize unique benefits and fulfill customer needs better than competitors.
  • Execute your positioning strategy cohesively across all touchpoints.
  • Packaging, marketing campaigns, and pricing must amplify your differentiation and value proposition.
  • Establish benchmarks and key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of your strategy.
  • Regularly evaluate market trends, customer perceptions, and competitors to stay relevant.
  • Build emotional connections through your positioning, as factual claims alone may not be sufficient. Emotions drive brand affinity and resonate with the target audience.

Uplift Your Product Positioning With a Data-Driven Approach

Transform your product and brand positioning and drive growth with SmashBrand’s data-driven strategies. Schedule a free consultation to evaluate your positioning opportunities. Our experts will uncover critical insights to elevate your brand. Get started now and see how SmashBrand’s proven methodology takes the guesswork out of positioning.

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