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Acai The Superfruit of Marketing.

Whether or not you believe the data surrounding the acai berry’s health claims of being a “superfruit,” you have to admit “superfruit” is a pretty good moniker. Andy Warhol, the king of turning trash into treasure, couldn’t have done better himself. The fact is, acai marketing is one of the best examples of exposing consumer emotions that we’ve ever witnessed.

The acai berry is not trash (it’s more of a plant). However, it has gotten far more attention than any single exotic berry with unscientifically verified nutritional credentials merits. Why? Marketing, that’s why!

But the pendulum on the acai marketing genius has swung in both directions – some unscrupulous internet marketers tarnish its name. (“Acai Berry Diet Exposed: Miracle Diet or Scam?”)

This article will explore this superfood’s rise, fall, and possible second rise. (The fruit itself, not the supplements.) We’ll also look into the net value of a catchy title or nickname. It’s worked for professional boxers for decades, and it works for products. Finally, we will give you ideas on how to promote acai healthily rather than as a superfood.

A Brief History of the Acai Craze

In the early 21st century, Ryan Black (a scrappy marketing savant) discovered a fad for acai fruit soup in South America (Brazil specifically). Partygoers would eat this fruit soup before going to the clubs for a night of heavy drinking and heavy who-knows-what-else. The claim is that acai provides enough nutrients and antioxidants to mitigate whatever damage copious amounts of booze do to the system. What’s not to love about this product benefit?

Because the U.S. consumer is finicky about new flavors and textures, it stood to reason that the hook for massive acai popularity lies in its antioxidant power, not its delicious taste. In its natural, un-degraded form, acai holds weight as a source of antioxidants. Natural products with full medical benefits are the exact things that the Oprah Winfrey machine notices, and it wasn’t long before acai became…

The Fruit of the Nutritional Gods

The mere mention of acai by Oprah Winfrey was enough to get American consumers to pull out their wallets and buy any acai product dangled in front of them. And it indeed was a “mere mention,” since all she said after tasting it was: “It’s not bad.”

So acai was off and running! Soon Acai was welcomed into the pantheon of “superfruits,” along with blueberries and raspberries. Acai publicists introduced acai to food and beverage products and the popular media. (even the film “The Kids are Alright,” mentions acai.) Acai has Oprah’s extremely modest endorsement and the title “superfruit” to thank for the bulk of the media blitz.

Acai Products In Today’s CPG Market

We can find acai across different CPG categories. Here’s a look at examples across the many places you find acai products in a store.

Acai Bowls


Brand resonance is an important product launch factor when your brand moves into line extension. SAMBAZON has executed this as a part of its acai marketing strategy. The Acai Bowl features 6 purchase drivers and vivid imagery to compliment their existing brand recognition.

Acai Smoothies

Organic Acai Tropical Smoothie Cubes

With the increase in at-home meals, smoothies in a bag are a less expensive option for those who want the nutritional benefits of this liquified meal. The design of food packaging now needs to look as delicious as what is traditionally served to us. Live Pure leads with acai but includes a variety of “superfoods” creating a nutritionally balanced blend.

Acai Juice

Organic Roots Acai Juice Packaging Design

Unlike most juice products, acai is understood as a concentrated formula. Organic roots creates a visually appealing beverage packaging design with this product. The imagery that enhances a traditionally small berry makes the product more appealing.

Acai Powder

Sunfood Superfoods Acai Powder Packaging Design

Bulk powders traditionally come with boring packaging. Sunfood breaks the mold with the right messaging and colors that agree with one another. When you compare this design to other competitors, it finds a balance between boring and aggressive packaging.

Acai Candies

acai marketing

Products that satisfy your sweet tooth are evolving. As society becomes more health-conscious they want a nutritional benefit to balance out the sugar content. Brookside incorporates a trifecta in superfoods by combining dark chocolate, acai, and blueberry into a single candy product. This chocolate candy packaging concentrates on the health side of its product rather than the calories it contains.

The Acai Marketing Taint

In all fairness, we must mention the extreme irresponsibility of certain marketing firms that disguised a dubious advertising campaign for acai supplements as hard news. With or without permission, these marketers falsely used the names of storied news organizations and Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Mehmet Oz to support their marketing claims. As a result, acai took an Internet beating, which it has since recoveredCreative packaging design agency . The lesson here? Only claim that Oprah supports your product if it is true. Otherwise, you will have all kinds of hell to pay, brother.

Superfruit and Fahrvergnügen: Half-Brothers in Slogan-ology

In the early to mid-1990s, Volkswagen concentrated on a commercial campaign slogan for their auto line into one faintly ridiculous-sounding word: Fahrvergnügen. Genius! One indecipherable German word encapsulated the whole product philosophy in four sing-song syllables. The Volkswagen brand was (and is) unique in its self-awareness and sense of humor. The company took a word it must’ve known would turn into an American punch-line and embraced it. Fahrvergnügen! We still love saying it.

While “superfruit” and “Fahrvergnügen” are entirely different concepts, the use of a single bold word unites them. Cramming two terms together is a bold etymological marketing decision when you aim to create a single, memorable, and slightly inelegant word.

The Right Way To Market Acai

So often in marketing, we pull a single lever and take advantage of the opportunity to create a compounding effect. Acai may not be nature’s miracle, but additional health benefits and product features will capture a customer’s attention.

Appropriately Address Antioxidant Capacity

The fact remains that acai has more significant antioxidant activity than many other fruits. High levels of various antioxidants can help us fight free radicals, and this health benefit deserves mention when marketing the product.

Market To Sugar-Concerned Consumers

It’s a bad idea to call acai a weight loss product, but compared to most other fruits, acai is a low-sugar alternative.

A Fruit With Healthy Fats

When you keep the pulp, acai contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Only a few other fruits contain both types of healthy fats.

Formulate A True Superfood

Create a sum greater than its parts by combining acai with other fruits. For example, a smoothie packet can include blueberry, or a beverage may consist of pomegranate juice.

Story Tell Of Acai’s Origins

Acai has a beautiful history, and its origins of being discovered throughout the Amazon rainforest bring more flavor to the fruit. Consumers love a good story, so tell it before another brand does.

Discuss Your Sourcing

As with most internationally sourced ingredients, there are good and bad ways of doing it. Like the modern coffee package design, transparent sourcing is a purchase driver that can give you an advantage across the competitive landscape.

Make a Social Impact

The consumer of acai generally cares about their health. In most cases, those holistically concerned about their health are concerned about the world’s health. You can use a QR code to discuss your brand’s social and environmental impact.

Data-Driven Brand Development

Want a best-selling brand? SmashBrand is a brand development agency for FMCG and CPG companies. From brand strategy to packaging design testing, our Path To Performance™ process guarantees a retail performance lift. Book a time to discuss your project with our team.

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The ROI of packaging: How to design CPG packs that win with consumers.
The ROI of packaging: How to design CPG packs that win with consumers.

Failing to give packaging design its proper due isn’t just a missed opportunity — it’s a risky move that could cost you market share and your spot on the retail shelf. So why do many FMCG and CPG brands treat packaging like an afterthought?  Your product’s packaging is the embodiment of your brand. A silent…

Learn More About The ROI of packaging: How to design CPG packs that win with consumers.

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